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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1971-03-10Recherche de la politique de stockage d'une societe petroliere integreeGaudot, Georges; Petit, Daniel
1973-10-13The economics of Uganda's health service sytem: implications for health and economic planningHenderson, John; Liedholm, Carl; Dunlop, David Wallace
1984-08-01Modelos de planeamento de sistemas de albufeiras em condições de incertezaHenriques, António Gonçalves; Vaz, Álvaro Carmo
1986-04-12O processo inflacionário português 1945-1980Coelho, Daniel Bessa Fernandes
1987-01-01The early farming communities of southern Mozambique: an assessment of new and extant evidenceRamos, Miguel; Morais, João Manuel F.
1988-11-19Industrialisation et developpement local: une interprétation à partir du cas portugaisPierre, Judet; Silva, Mário Rui
1989-12-01Enhancing learner motivation an instructor facilitated learning contentKeller, John M.; Visser, Jan
1990-05-20Avaliação da produção e economicidade do primeiro desbaste em ensaio para povoamentos de pinus elliottii e pinus taedaHosokawa, Roberto T.; Berger, Ricardo; Emerenciano, Dartagnan Baggio
1990-08-12A construção de uma gramática de português em Moçambique: aspectos da estrutura argumental dos verbosSem Nome; Gonçalves, Maria Perpétua Morgado
1991-03Tom, entonação e acento de intensidade na língua si-makonde : bases para um estudo morfotonológicoAbaurre, Maria Bernadete M.; Liphola, Marcelino Marta
1991-04-20The impact of marketing consultancy on small/medium sized firmsWensley, Robin; Farhangmehr, Minoo
1992-11-20Efeito da geometria das partículas e da densidade sobre as propriedades de paineis estruturais waferboardsKeinert Júnior, Sidon; Alberto, Mario Michaque Miguel
1993-01-01Protected villages and communal villages in the Mozambican province of Tete (1968-1982): a history of state resettlement policies, development and warLittlejohn, Gary; Coelho, João Paulo Constantino Borges
1994-01-01A mathematical programming model for farm household evaluation: economic efficiency analysis of farms under risk and uncertainty in MozambiqueTaylor, Timothy G.; Mucavele, Firmino Gabriel
1995-01-01Revisting the language question in post- colonial Africa: the case of portuguese and indigenous languages in MozambiqueGumperz, Jonh; Agbu, Jonh; Firmino, Gregório Domingos
1995-04-05A critique of price theory with special reference to decentralized exchangeClover, Robert; Costa, Manuel Luís Guimarães Da
1996Handbook on the artificial reproduction and pond rearing of the african catfish Clarias gariepinus in Sub-Saharan AfricaGraaf, Gertjan de; Janssen, Johannes
1996-02-10Considerations for a two - sex demography: when, why and should both sexes matter to demography?McNicoll, Geoffrey; Francisco, António Alberto Da Silva
1996-02-10Model studies of blocking predictability using the adjoint sensitivity formalismBarcelon, Albert; Ahlquist, Jon E.; Elsner, James B.; Magnan, Jerry F.; Pfeffer, Richard L.; Zou, Xiaolei; Pondeca, Manuel S. De
1996-02-15Protestent churches and the formation of political consciousness in southern Mozambique (1930- 1974): the case of the Swiss MissionCruz e Silva, Teresa Maria de