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Title: A gestão do trânsito rodoviário: desafios enfrentados pelas autoridades competentes de fiscalização do trânsito rodoviário - estudo de caso da cidade de Maputo
Authors: Pereira, Carolina
Sitoe, Samuel Johane
Keywords: Educação cívica rodoviária
Trânsito rodoviário
Gestão do trânsito
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2014
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: The present work has as its theme “Road traffic management: Challenges faced by the competent authorities of road traffic inspection - Case study of the City of Maputo. ”The research formulated the problem, which consisted of” Describing the main factors that affect the quality of the movement of motorists and pedestrians and influences the management of road traffic by the competent authorities in Maputo City. ”The objective was to analyze associated factors that influence the quality of movement of motorists and pedestrians on public roads. The research empirically confirms the hypotheses formulated around the research problem. The study methodology adopted direct and systematic observation, with the application of bibliographic analysis techniques, structured interviews aimed at institutions responsible for the control and inspection of traffic and questionnaires. applied to motorists, pedestrians and traffic and municipal police officers. The survey adopted a randomly selected sample of about 649 elements. The research concluded that the problems of road traffic in Maputo City are the product of several related factors and not of a single direct cause (TRADUÇÃO NOSSA)
Appears in Collections:Dissertações de Mestrado - FACECO

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