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Title: Avaliação do programa de formação na União Geral de Cooperativas
Authors: Zeelen, Jacques
Linden, Johanna van der
Saúde Júnior, Artur Neves
Keywords: União Geral de Cooperativas
Formação profissional
Combate a pobreza
Profissionalização de camponeses
Issue Date: 14-Sep-2005
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: This study evaluates the Professional training programs in the courses given at the Professional Training Center of the Unia Geral de Cooperativas located in the city of Maputo. This evaluation arises from the need to verify to what extent the application of the knowledge obtained by the cooperatives in the courses received contributes to minimize their effects of poverty and improve their living conditions. To evaluate the program, the Agriculture and Literacy courses were chosen. The developed and qualitative study generates a contextualization of the intervention of the General Union of Cooperatives in responding to the challenges outlined by the Government of Mozambique (GM) to fight poverty through the education and agriculture sectors, betting on the qualification of its members. Through questionnaires addressed to trainers and trainees, reading documents and the recommended bibliography, we seek to understand the effectiveness of the programs of these courses in solving the problems that eventually concern the cooperatives in the sustainable use of their parcels of land that have as a survival resource . Theoretical support is based on readings on pedagogical guidelines for adult learning, professional training in organizations, concepts on literacy, the multifunctionality of agriculture and also the experiences of two associations of peasants who solve their social problems, satisfying the basic needs of peasants. The study conclusions recommend the need to improve the professional training programs of the General Union of Cooperatives, which should be geared towards satisfying the individual motivations of the trainees and those of the organization. The final product of the research and subject to consultation with professional training institutions that are, dedicated to the professionalization of peasants(TRADUÇÃO NOSSA)
Description: Dissertação de Mestrado em Educação de Adultos
Appears in Collections:DEA - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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