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Title: Análise da utilização dos resultados de avaliação no processo de ensino e aprendizagem: experiências e práticas dos professores da 12ª classe da disciplina de Matemática da Escola Secundária 25 de Setembro de Quelimane
Authors: Bazo, Manuel
Coelho, Eugénia Rosita de Moreira Rodrigues
Keywords: Processo ensino - aprendizagem
Aproveitamento escolar
Aperfeiçoamento escolar
Issue Date: Nov-2018
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: The analysis of evaluation and assessment processes and the impact of their results leads the teacher and the school to reflect on new ways of understanding education. In order to better understand the use of evaluation and assessment results in the teaching and learning process, a study was carried out at 25 de Setembro de Quelimane High School, where the following research question was sought: to what extent are evaluation assessment results used for the improvement in school and the consequent improvement of the performance of the students of the Grade 12 in the subject of Mathematics? This problem was raised with the aim of analyzing the use of evaluation and assessment results in the teaching and learning process in the Grade 12 in Mathematics. The study was carried out upon a qualitative approach complemented with quantitative and action-research based. This research concluded that teachers of the participating school use the assessment results for self-assessment and for the improvement of teaching and learning process, thus improving teaching methods and students' achievement. Regarding the assessment types and functions, it was concluded that teachers use the three types and functions, namely diagnostic, formative and summative. The present study also concluded that in some teachers and leaders of the ES 25 de Setembro de Quelimane there is a pedagogical deficit, lack of knowledge of the assessment norms used in Mozambique and low levels of motivation and commitment. And finally the school leaders/members of the Board consider that the use of the assessment results in the improvement of the students' school performance is very effective while other teachers consider it reasonable. Based on these findings, the study recommends improving the monitoring and evaluation system of the teaching and learning process, based on self- reflection, self-evaluation and performance feedback at all levels. The research also recommends that MINEDH should encourage and increase the creation of professional learning communities at all levels (school, district, provincial and national) and its participation in similar international organizations as well as create conditions for teacher motivation and commitment in the teaching and learning process.
Appears in Collections:DOGE - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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