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Title: Análise da implementação da disciplina de educação musical no iii ciclo do ensino básico: caso da EPC das Mahotas na cidade do Maputo
Authors: Guro, Manuel Zianja
Manhique, Jorge Júlio
Keywords: Música
Educação musical
Ensino básico
Ensino básico
Issue Date: Oct-2019
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: The present study, entitled “Analysis of the Implementation of the Music Education Discipline in the III Cycle of Basic Education: Case of the Mahotas EPC in Maputo city”, presents reflections on the implementation of the Music Education discipline in schools, taking into account the three Learning elements: teacher - student - content. The general objective is to analyse the implementation of the discipline of Music Education in the III Cycle of Basic Education and had as instruments and techniques of data collection the interview inquiry and the direct observation of the classes. The literature review elucidates concepts music, education, music education and basic education and the theoretical framework - the constructivism - that underlies the work as a result of approaches of the subject under study by several scholars. The study approach is qualitative and four groups of informants were researched, namely school managers, parents and guardians, teachers and students. The results of the research showed that Music Education is a relevant discipline in the educational process with a major contribution in the construction of cognitive structures and contributes to behaviour change and influences the character of the student. It was possible to verify the teachers' commitment, the positive application of the teaching processes, the relevance of the subject and the processes of its implementation through the reference of the direct actors. The conclusions point to the positive implementation and the importance of the discipline of Music Education in intellectual development, personality building and the cultivation of beauty by the student. Finally, the recommendations to the MINEDH and the Mahotas EPC managers to take steps and to improve the teaching and learning process in the areas of teacher education of Music Education and the increase in the quality of the teaching of classes.
Appears in Collections:DFPEC - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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