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Title: A ética da complexidade como fundamento da educação em Edgar Morin
Authors: Gonçalves, António Cipriano Parafino
Tovela, Amélia Joaquina
Keywords: Ética
Ética da complexidade
Edgar Morin
Issue Date: Dec-2021
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: Based on the assumption that contemporary world is characterized by ethical drama which is manifested by the lack solidary, by oppression, hatred, violence, security problems youth, marginally and delinquency, domestic violence and bullying in schools, competitiveness, liquid relationships, avoidance of responsibility and commitment, intolerance with relation to the other and negation of the other, the present work deals with the contribution of the theory of complexity of de Morin‟s education for the development of ethics. For this purpose, a bibliographic search based on documentary analysis as a data collection technique. As the ethics of complexity and Education in Edgar Morin, it is concluded that it is necessary to educate oneself, as the understand that we are one in relation to ourselves, the others and the planet, despite the fragments of specific knowledge that divide us, Furthermore, a reform must be introduced that consists of the development of complex ethics composed of self-ethics that act the individual level, socio-ethics that act at the community level, and anthropometrics level trinitarian circuit of the individual, species and society.
Appears in Collections:DFPEC - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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