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Title: Análise das percepções dos professores e gestores escolares sobre a eficácia dos modelos de formação inicial dos professores do ensino bilingue em Moçambique: Caso das EPCs de Mafuiane; Moamba Km 20; 7 de Abril; Joaquim Chissano; Nsime e Mondoen
Authors: Guro, Manuel Zianja
Chambal, Adelina Stela
Keywords: Processo ensino - aprendizagem
Gestor escolar
Ensino bilingue
Formação de professores
Issue Date: Nov-2022
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: Bilingual education is pointed out as a modality that allows the achievement of satisfactory results compared to the monolingual modality, since children enrolled in this type of education have greater interaction and communication between the student and the teacher in the classroom in the language of their domain. Faced with this reality, the present work sought to analyze the perceptions of teachers and school managers of the Complete Primary Schools of Mafuiane; Moamba Km 20; April 7th; Joaquim Chissano; Nsime and Mondoene regarding the effectiveness of teacher training models in bilingual education in Mozambique. Specifically, on the one hand, the consistency of teacher training models regarding the modality of bilingual education in Mozambique was described; on the other hand, the perceptions of managers and teachers involved in bilingual education in the Complete Primary Schools of Mafuiane were discussed; Moamba Km 20; April 7th; Joaquim Chissano; Nsime and Mondoene and finally, the didactic strategies adopted by the teachers of the Complete Primary Schools in Mafuiane were explained; Moamba Km 20; April 7th; Joaquim Chissano; Nsime and Mondoene. For this purpose, a combination of a qualitative-quantitative approach was chosen, combined with a semi-structured interview; questionnaire survey and observation as data collection tools. From the study carried out, it can be concluded that bilingual education in the 4 schools is not positive, as the teachers teach without specific training for this purpose, so we suggest investing in initial training and not in continuous training.
Appears in Collections:DFPEC - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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