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Title: Inclusão escolar de alunos com NEE auditivas nas turmas regulares: uma análise a partir das práticas pedagógicas dos professores das EPC’s de Muzamane, Manjacaze e Caip, do distrito de Manjacaze
Authors: Mucavele, Simão
Tembe, Cristina
Mondlana, Celina Francisco
Keywords: Inclusão escolar
Necessidade educativa especial
Práticas pedagógicas
Deficiência auditiva
School inclusion
Special educational need
Pedagogical practices
Hearing deficiency
Issue Date: 30-May-2023
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: The present work analyzes the pedagogical practices of the teachers in the inclusion of students with hearing special educational needs in the regular classes of the primary schools of Muzamane, Manjacaze and Caip, in the District of Manjacaze, Gaza Province. The research approach is mixed (qualitative-quantitative) and involved a sample of 29 participants, which 8 are students, 3 managers and 18 teachers. The techniques used for data collection were application, observation and semi-structured interview. The results of the research indicate that in the schools in question there was no standardization of inclusion strategies, since their adoption varies depending on the specific reality of each class. Teachers resort to talking walls, distribution of seats or desks according to each type of Special Educational Needs, oral and written participation and student-centered learning. Finally, school inclusion is guaranteed through the knowledge that is acquired in continuing training as well as in the lesson planning sessions in which teachers have shared experiences and new ways of accompanying the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs and in particular hearing
Appears in Collections:DFPEC - FACED - Dissertações de Mestrado

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