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Title: Avaliação do preparo das unidades de cuidados de saúde primários no manejo da Hipertensão Arterial e da Diabetes Mellitus na cidade de Maputo
Authors: Damasceno, Albertino
Muholove, Ana De Lurdes Á. Magaia
Keywords: Cuidado de saúde primários
Doença crónica
Diabetes mellitus
Manejo da doença
Disease management
Chronic disease
Primary health care
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2024
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: Due to the epidemiological transition that is taking place all over the world, High blood pressure (HTA) and Diabetes mellitus (DM) have been a great burden for developing countries, which are visibly facing infectious diseases for various reasons. Mozambique is not far from this experience, with prevalence of HTA and DM reaching 39% and 7.4% respectively. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the degree of preparedness of primary health care in the management of Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus in Maputo City. A quantitative approach was carried out in 15 health centres in Maputo city, where questionnaires were used to collect data on the management of the two pathologies and the availability of medication. Data were collected from the clinical processes used in the appointment and the number of patients present at the scheduled clinical appointment was counted. In total, 45 questionnaires were completed, and 260 clinical files were reviewed, from which 123 were for DM and 137 for HTA. 98% of clinical files had an evaluation date, 88% had the BP evaluated, of this universe 46% was not controlled. Glycemia was measured in 39,8%(49) of patients with DM, of which 59% was uncontrolled. In 100% of the Primary Health Care (PHCs) facilities there was no obese cuff, 88% of the PHCs had functioning sphygmomanometers in the consultation and only 13% had a glucometer and 73% of the PHCs had access to a blood glucose processing laboratory. Medications for the control of hypertension and DM in general were not available in almost 50% of the PHCs facilities. 93% of health professionals reported that there was no refresher training and only 20% had participated in some HTA and DM training. There is a need to strengthen primary health care services with special attention to improving fundamental points for the clinical and medication management of hypertension and DM
Appears in Collections:Dissertações de Mestrado - FAMED

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